Shifty Business: Police Interests, Public Interests and the Politics of Police Shift Schedules

September 19th 2017


This study notes the current shift schedule in Toronto has officers working 28 hours in every 24 hour period; that it requires the same number of officers to be on duty on at every hour of every day and night no matter what the demand for service; that the lack of demand for services may lead officers to perform tasks which are not in the public interest; that other police forces have shift schedules which permit a variable number of officers on duty to respond to demand for service.

2016 Toronto police operating budget

September 19th 2017


The complete budget for the Toronto police service for 2016, as approved by the Toronto Police Services Board - just six pages. No further information on how money is to be spent was provided to the Board.


Body Cameras

TPAC Bulletin listings

Body Cameras, September 2014


TPAC Bulletin listings

Reducing Police Expenditures, May 2014
The Cost of Learning How Many Cops Toronto Needs, March 2014
Business Plan for Next Three Years, December 2013
The "Right Number" of Officers, December 2013
Keeping the 2014 Police Operating Budget Secret, December 2013
Toronto Police Operating Budget, 2014 Edition, October 2013
Paying Police Well, June 2013
Police Budget 2008, November 2007
Taking Home Big Pay, September 2007
Breaking the Bank on Cameras, May 2007
2007 Police Budget, December 2006
Large Increase in Police Budget, December 2005
Toronto Police Force Grows Again, October 2005
Police Spending Set to Increase Again, September 2005
Well Paid Police, March 2005
2005 Police Budget, December 2004
Small Changes to Police Budget, April 2004
Slowly Uncovering the Police Budget, March 2004
Police Operating Budget 2003, February 2003
Police Operating Budget 2002, February 2002
Detailed Budgets of the Toronto Police Service, October 2001

Carding, see also Racial Profiling

TPAC Bulletin listings

The Negative Impact of Police Stops, September 2014
Questioning the Candidates for Mayor, July 2014
New Carding Data, July 2014
The Carding "Satisfaction" Survey, July 2014
Carding Ends, "Community Contacts" Begin, May 2014
Finalizing the Community Contacts Policy, May 2014
Toronto Police Services Board Special Meeting on Carding, April 2014
TPAC's position, April 2014
Controlling Carding: a Brief History, April 2014
Frank Addario's Advice to the Board, April 2014
Carding: a Step Forward ?, December 2013
Trying to Make Carding More Likeable, October 2013
Carding Update, June 2013


TPAC Bulletin listings

Bill Blair to be Replaced as Chief, September 2014
Chief Blair and His Future. March 2014
Chief Blair and the SIU, September 2013
The Police Chief Writes His Story, November 2007
New Police Leadership Comes Only from Within, April 2005
The Next Toronto Chief of Police, March 2005
Up and Out for the Chief, February 2005
Vacancies at the Top, January 2005
Appointing a new Chief, November 2004
The Continuing Fantino Saga, September 2004
Chief Fantino's Contract Not Renewed, June 2004
Chief Fantino's Comments on Sex Offenders, May 2004
Hiring a New Deputy Chief, April 2004

Civilian Oversight / Complaints Process

TPAC Bulletin listings

Waiting for Changes to the Police Complaints Mechanism, July 2008
Searching for Head of New Complaints Agency, June 2007
The Sorry State of Police Complaints in British Columbia, February 2007
Police Complaints Bill 103 at Committee, February 2007
Public Hearings on Bill 103, January 2007
Commentary on Bill 103, January 2007
Policing the RCMP, December 2006
Bill 103, A New Police Complaints Commission, December 2006
The Danger of Complaining About Police Activity, September 2006
The New Police Complaints Process, April 2006
Reviewing Civilian Oversight, April 2006
Wanted: A New Complaints Procedure, February 2006
Whatever Happened to the LeSage Recommendations?, November 2005
Towards a New Police Complaints System, July 2005
Police Complaints Report: Status, May 2005
LeSage Recommendations on Police Complaints, April 2005
Community Statement Concerning the Expected LeSage Recommendations, February, 2005
Welcome New Appointment to OCCOPS, December 2004
An Office of the Citizen Advisor, November 2004
Police Complaints Review Begins, June 2004
Police Complaints, April 2004
Defining a New Complaints Mechanism, March 2004
A Police Complaints System That Works for the Public
Summary of Discussion at Public Meeting, November 27, 2003
Civilian Oversight of the Police, November 2003
Auditor's Report on the Police Public Complaints Process, November 2002

Community Policing

TPAC Bulletin listings

The New Neighbourhood Policing, Details, September 2013
Neighbourhood Officers in Toronto, June 2013
A New Commitment to Community Policing, December 2004
Making Community Policing a Priority, November 2004


TPAC Bulletin listings

Corruption allegations within the Toronto Police Force, December 2006
Mandatory Testing for Officers in High Risk Positions, January 2005
Corruption Allegations in the Police Force, April 2004

Crime Rate

TPAC Bulletin listings

Latest Crime Statistics in Canada - Crime is Down, September 2007
Some Figures on Death by Guns, February 2006
Data Bites from Toronto Police, October 2005
Most Recent Police Statistics, December 2004
Recent Police Statistics, October 2003


TPAC Bulletin listings

Police and Demonstrations: Complaint Validated, September 2004
Policing Demonstrations, May 2003
Guidelines for Police Behaviour at Demonstrations, April 2002
Public Forum on Police Violence at the Ontario Tory Convention, April 2002


TPAC Bulletin listings

Questions on Policing to Mayoralty Candidates, September 2014
Questioning the Candidates for Mayor, July 2014
Crime as a Provincial Election Issue, September 2007
Questions for Municipal Candidates, September 2006


TPAC Bulletin listings

A Public Forum on Policing, September 2007
Better Policing for Toronto Seminar: A Summary, September 2005
Better Policing for Toronto: A Day-long Seminar, July 2005
Public Meeting: Recreation or Incarceration?, June 2004
Public Meeting in June: Recreation or Incarceration ? , May 2004

Guns and Gun Violence

TPAC Bulletin listings

More Thinking on Guns, July 2014
Restricting Police Guns, June 2014
Another Police Shooting, December 2013
What About Those Guns ?, July 2008
Counting the Guns in Toronto, September 2007
Ending Gun Violence, February 2006
Some Figures on Death by Guns, February 2006
Gun Violence and Youth in Toronto. November 2005
Gun Violence in Toronto and Public Response, September 2005


TPAC Bulletin listings

Helicopters for the Police ? , November 2005

Hiring and Hiring Practices

TPAC Bulletin listings

Recruiting Officers who Know Toronto, September 2014
The Disappointing Iacobucci Report, July 2014
Toronto Police Force Expands, September 2006
Hiring a Police Force That Looks Like Toronto, May 2006
Toronto Police Force Grows Again, October 2005
A Black Police Woman Speaks Out, September 2004

Interrogation Techniques

TPAC Bulletin listings

No-tech Confessions, September 2003

Join us at our next meeting

May 30th 2005

Monday May 30, 2005
7:30 - 9:00 pm
Innis College Cafe (beside the Town Hall)
St. George and Sussex Streets

Labour Relations

TPAC Bulletin listings

Questioning the Candidates for Mayor, July 2014
Officers Killed on Duty. December 2013
Paying Police Well, June 2013
Impressive Police Salaries, April 2008
Police Shift Work to Shift, January 2008
Taking Home Big Pay, September 2007
Police Association Challenges Name Tags, September 2007
Leadership of the Police Association, July 2006
TPA's Continuing Confrontational Tone, February 2006
Board/Association Labour Settlement, November 2005
Job Action, October 2005
Well Paid Police, March 2005


November 30th -0001

TPAC Bulletin listings

Small Claims Court Justice, April 2006
Settling Legal Claims for a Pretty Penny, April 2005

Mental Health Issues and Policing see also TASERs

TPAC Bulletin listings

Questions on Policing to Mayoralty Candidates, September 2014
Questioning the Candidates for Mayor, July 2014
The Disappointing Iacobucci Report, July 2014
Cavoukian Sues Toronto Police for Disclosing Mental Illness Information, June 2014
Privacy Commissioner on Police Use of Mental Health Records, May 2014
Non-conviction Information Released by Toronto Police, June 2014
Iacobucci Review of Lethal Use of Force. March 2014
Ministry's Study on Police and Those in Mental Crisis, March 2014
Coroners Jury Recommendations on Three Killed by Toronto Police, March 2014
Another Police Shooting, December 2013
Investigating Sammy Yatim's Death, October 2013
Board Distances Itself from Sammy Yatim Case, September 2013
The Death of Sammy Yatim, August 2013
Another Man with Mental Illness Killed, June 2013
Expanding the Mobile Crisis Intervention Teams, April 2008
Police Checks and Providing Information for Employers, March 2008
Death in a Park, March 2008
The Problem of Police Records, May 2007
The Tragic Fate of Suffering a Mental Crisis in Public, April 2005
Two Police Approaches to People in Crisis, March 2005
Police and Mental Health Issues, November 2003

Municipal Issues/Politics

TPAC Bulletin listings

Questions on Policing to Mayoralty Candidates, September 2014
Questioning the Candidates for Mayor, July 2014
Questions for Municipal Candidates, September 2006
New City of Toronto Legislation, November 2005

Name Badges

TPAC Bulletin listings

Police Association Challenges Name Tags, September 2007
Name Badges or Not, July 2006
Fencing them In, April 2006
Name Badges for Toronto Police, March 2005
Nameless in T.O., November 2004
Police Transparency, April 2004

Paired Up: Fact, Fiction and the Politics of Two-Officer Police Patrols

September 19th 2017


The study shows that two officer cars do not provide a level of safety greater than one officer patrol cars; that most calls not do require that two officers be present; that other police forces do not have the requirement that all cars must have two officers at specific times, but instead determine that two officer cars are optional.

Police Brutality and Misconduct, see also Violence, Police

TPAC Bulletin listings

Non-Transparency, May 2007
A New Police Program: 25 and Out, December 2006
Ending the Suspension Payout, September 2006
Updates: the Wyann Ruso and Jeffrey Reodica cases, April 2006
The Unnoticed Pepper Spray, December 2005
Police Officer Convicted of Assault, October 2005
Police-Related Deaths, January 2005
International Day Against Police Brutality, March 2002

Police Chases

TPAC Bulletin listings

Police Chases, June 2013
Let's Not Debate Police Issues, June 2007
Colliding Police Cars, February 2007
Blink: High Speed Chases and More, February 2005

Police Funerals

TPAC Bulletin listings

Officers Killed on Duty, December 2013

Police Horses

TPAC Bulletin listings

Police Horses, March 2006

Police Records

TPAC Bulletin listings

Questioning the Candidates for Mayor, July 2014
Cavoukian sues Toronto police for disclosing mental illness information, June 2014
Non-conviction Information Released by Toronto Police, June 2014
Privacy Commissioner on Police Use of Mental Health Records, May 2014
Police Releasing Information for Clearance Letters, March 2014
Police Checks and Providing Information for Employers, March 2008
Personal Information Released by Police, September 2007
The Problem of Police Records, May 2007

Police Services Act, TPAC's proposed amendments

November 30th 2015


This brief outlines the amendments TPAC thinks should be made to the Police Services Act, a statute that the Minister of Community Safety is currently reviewing.

Policing Priorities

TPAC Bulletin listings

Questioning the Candidates for Mayor, July 2014
New Carding Data, July 2014
Ideas About the Police ?, June 2014
Police and Kids in the Park, March 2008
Better Policing for Toronto Seminar: A Summary, September 2005
Better Policing for Toronto: A Day-long Seminar, July 2005
Policing Priorities in Toronto, December 2004

Political Activity by Police

TPAC Bulletin listings

Political Police in Ottawa, March 2006
More on Political Endorsements by the Police Association, November 2003
Police Intervene Politically, October 2003

Pre-charge screening: a report

June 11th 2017


This study shows that in British Columbia, Quebec, and New Brunswick where crown prosecutors screen charges police wish to lay that:

1. The courts in pre-charge provinces have considerably lower caseloads, an average of 22 per cent lower than the other provinces. If Ontario used the pre-charge system established in Quebec, the case load in Ontario would have been 70,500 rather than 93,700.

2. Multi-charge cases  often a sign of over-charging - are much less frequent in pre-charge provinces. Ontario has 1.5 times as many multi-charge cases per capita as Quebec.

3. In pre-charge provinces many fewer cases are either stayed or withdrawn. The number stayed or withdrawn in Quebec is 9 per cent; in Ontario, 46 per cent.

Pre-charge screening leads to better use of precious court time, as well as the time and energy of those in the criminal justice system, and protects members of the public from charges deemed not supportable by the court.

Pre-charge screening: voices in support

June 11th 2017


Those supporting pre-charge screening includes criminal lawyers such as Anthony Morgan, Selwyn Pieters, Peter Rosenthal, and Paul Copeland; criminalogist Tammy Landua; and Nigel Barite ofUrban Alliance on Race Relations.


TPAC Bulletin listings

The Trap of Not Getting Bail, September 2013

Private Funding of Police

TPAC Bulletin listings

Private Funding of a Police Helicopter, September 2002

Process to address critical police issues, June 12, 2020

June 16th 2020


This letter to the Police Board recommends a permanent chief not be appointed at this time, but instead a large committee be created to address critical issues facing the police.

Racial Profiling,see also Carding

TPAC Bulletin listings

The Negative Impact of Police Stops, September 2014
Questioning the Candidates for Mayor, July 2014
OPP's Racial Profiling of Immigrants, March 2014
Public Perceptions of Toronto Police, December 2013
Police in Schools, July 2008
Police and Kids in the Park, March 2008
Not Getting Data on What Police Do, March 2008
Ending Racial Profiling, July 2006
Moving Slowly on Racial Profiling, December 2005
Police Board responds to racial profiling, October 2003
Kingston police collect racial data, September 2003


November 30th -0001

TPAC Bulletin listings

Race and Police Use of Force, September 2006
A Black Police Woman Speaks Out, September 2004


TPAC Bulletin listings

Fantino Speaks His Mind, And the Investigation Begins, June 2007
Policing the RCMP, December 2006

Response to Iacobucci Report

July 24th 2014

Media Release

Safer Ontario Act, TPAC brief to Legislative Commitee

February 7th 2018


Sexual Assault

TPAC Bulletin listings

Moving Backwards on Sexual Assaults, July 2008
Failures in Sexual Assault Investigations, Again, January 2005
Chief Fantino's Comments on Sex Offenders, May 2004
Auditing the Sexual Assault Audit , by Jane Doe, June 2003
Book Review: "The Story of Jane Doe", June 2003


TPAC Bulletin listings

Chief Blair and the SIU, September 2013
The Ontario Ombudsman Reviews the SIU, June 2007
SIU Annual Report, October 2013
SIU Annual Report, September 2005

Strip Searches

TPAC Bulletin listings

Questioning the Candidates for Mayor, July 2014
Strip Searches, June 2014
Again, Hope About Limiting Strip Searches, March 2014
A Policy to Reduce Strip Searches, March 2006
Alarming Strip Search Figures in Toronto, February 2006
Strip Search, the Mystery, September 2005
Finally a Better Strip Search Policy, March 2005
Police Database Off Base, November 2004
Review of Strip Search Policy, September 2004
The Cost of Strip Searches, May 2004
Strip Searches on the Agenda Again, April 2004
Supreme Court Decision on Strip Searches, February 2002

Targeted Policing

TPAC Bulletin listings

The Negative Impact of Police Stops, September 2014
Questioning the Candidates for Mayor, July 2014
TAVIS and the Downtown East Side, June 2014
Business Plan for Next Three Years, December 2013
Targeted TAVIS, March 2006


TPAC Bulletin listings

The Disappointing Iacobucci Report, July 2014
Restricting Police Guns, June 2014
How the Ministry Decided to Expand TASER Use, March 2014
TASERs, No News, December 2013
Public Says NO to More TASERs, October 2013
Expanding the Use of Conducted Energy Weapons (CEWs) In Ontario, September 2013
Toronto Board Holds Public Meeting on CEWs, September 2013
Toronto's TASER Protocol, April 2008
TASER News a Delay or a Victory ?, March 2008
Forum on TASERs: February 6, January 2008
TASER International Comes to Toronto, January 2008
TASER Problems, November 2007
Missing the TASER Alternative Again, November 2007
Truth not TASERs, June 2007
Increasing Use of TASERs in Toronto, May 2007
TASER Use Increases, May 2006
TASER Use in Toronto, March 2006
British Government Restricts Use of TASERs, July 2005
The Tragic Fate of Suffering a Mental Crisis in Public, April 2005
Two Police Approaches to People in Crisis, March 2005
Will the Board Buy 500 TASERs, February 2005
TASERs on Hold, December 2004

Toronto Police 208 card

November 21st 2012

TPAC to Iacobucci Review, February 24, 2014

March 5th 2014



TPAC Bulletin listings

Not Getting Data on What Police Do, March 2008
Non-Transparency, May 2007
Closing the Information Door at Police Headquarters, February 2007
Nameless in T.O., November 2004
Limited Freedom-of-Police Information, September 2004
Police Transparency, April 2004

Video Surveillance

TPAC Bulletin listings

Body Cameras, September 2014
Intersection Watch, November 2007
Breaking the Bank on Cameras, May 2007
It's Hard Being on Camera, May 2006
Video Surveillance in Public Places, January 2002

Violence Against Women see also Sexual Assault

TPAC Bulletin listings

Dealing with Perpetrators of Woman Abuse, January 2008
Updates: the Wyann Ruso and Jeffrey Reodica cases, April 2006
Wyann Ruso Settlement, December 2005
The Case for Wyann Russo, December 2005
Wyann Ruso's Wait, November 2005
Domestic Violence and Police Response, May 2005

Violence, Police

TPAC Bulletin listings

More Thinking on Guns, July 2014
Restricting Police Guns, June 2014
Another Police Shooting, December 2013
Investigating Sammy Yatim's Death, October 2013
Board Distances Itself from Sammy Yatim Case, September 2013
The Death of Sammy Yatim, August 2013
Death in a Park, March 2008
Updates: the Wyann Ruso and Jeffrey Reodica cases, April 2006
Police Officer Convicted of Assault, October 2005
Police-Related Deaths, January 2005
International Day Against Police Brutality, March 2002

Youth Criminal Justice

TPAC Bulletin listings

Questioning the Candidates for Mayor, July 2014

Toronto Police Accountability Coalition