In this issue:
1. No Freedom of Information
2. Toronto police strategic plan
3. Officers collude on evidence?
In this issue:
1. Police budget’s giant increase
2. Criminalizing the unhoused
In this issue:
1. Policing public order
2. How many cops does Toronto need?
3. Vulnerable Person registry
In this issue:
1. The Zameer case and Toronto police credibility
2. TTC to get body cameras
3. Senior staff appointments and a missed opportunity
4. Horrific police chase
In this issue:
1. Police to get helicopters
2. The 9-1-1 problem
3. No-knock raids
4. Safer for All, an Edmonton documentary
In this issue:
1. Police Board budget at City Council February 14
2. Volunteers needed
In this issue:
1. Police Board budget debate
2. Gun violence declines in Toronto
3. TPAC Instagram account
4. Ontario Human Rights Commission report on racism
1. Police service 2024 operating budget request.
Ways to reduce spending:
2. Diverting more mental crisis and social crisis calls
3. Public events – parades and demonstrations
4. Police patrol
5. Tickets and trafficking
6. Two officers in a car after dark
In this issue:
1. Police and cell phone service on the TTC
2. Misrepresenting crime levels in Toronto
3. New Police Board members
4. TPAC renewal, again
In this issue:
1. Training officers in mental crisis response
2. Wrongful convictions
3. TPAC renewal
In this issue:
1. Toronto police wins award it doesn’t want
2. Police cancel the licenced bar in police headquarters
3. New appointee to Toronto Police Service Board
In this issue:
1. The Blue Wall
2. The bar in police headquarters
3. Suspending officers without pay
4. New deputy chiefs
5. New Board member
In this issue:
1. Tracking Injustice
2. Police and violence on the TTC
3. Professional Standards chief
4. Inspector General of Policing
5. Subscribe to the Bulletin
In this issue:
1. Police Operating Budget 2023
2. The cost of cameras
3. Use of Force policy redraft
In this issue:
1. Complaints system is broken
2. New appointees to police board
3. OIPRD on no-knock entry
4. Draft Artificial Intelligence procedures
1. A new police chief; more of the same
2. Policing questions for candidates
3. The negative impacts of neighbourhood policing
In this issue:
1. No surprises with race data
2. Police and charter breaches
3. A serious challenge to Professional Standards
4. Time to end strip searches?
In this issue:
1. Meet the new police, same as the old police
2. Refusing to be serious about gun violence
3. A dysfunctional police board
In this issue:
1. Ineffective police boards
2. Reluctance to appointing a new police chief
3. Racism and Toronto police
In this issue:
1. Police Board to consider Artificial Intelligence policy
In this issue:
1. Police Board meeting on the 2022 budgets
2. TPAC proposals to the City’s Budget Committee
3. Registering with the City’s Budget Committee
4. Mayor Tory accused of conflict violations
In this issue:
1. Police and Artificial Intelligence
2. More provincial funding for guns and gangs
3. The death of Albert Johnson in 1979
In this issue:
1. Crisis in Canada’s Policing, a new book
2. Most calls for service are non-violent
3. Better recruitment policies
In this issue
1. The improbable and impossible next police chief
2. OHRC report on addressing systemic racism
In this issue:
1. Rethinking Police seminar
2. Policing the homeless
3. Expanding the use of conducted energy weapons
In this issue
1. Missing and Missed report
2. Police expand mental crisis teams
In this issue:
1. Thinking of a new police chief for Toronto
2. New Board member
3. The morass of the RCMP
4. Subscribe to the Bulletin
In this issue:
1. Anti-Racism Advisory Committee appointed
2. Strip searches more limited, but ..
3. Studying police use of guns
4. Toronto City Council again asks for police changes
In this issue:
1. Rethinking Community Safety
2. The Police go the social work route
3. Police budget 2021
In this issue:
1. Finally, a new search of persons policy
2. Dealing with those in mental crisis
3. The complicated body worn camera policy
4. Collecting racial data
5. RE-funding police in Alberta
1. Ontario Human Rights Commission report on racial profiling by Toronto police
2. Toronto Police Service Board an impediment to police change
3. Reviewing the recently filed 2020 line-by-line police budget
4. Police discipline system: broken
5. Settlement on class action G20 lawsuit
6. Toronto’s Anti-Black Racism Advisory Council
In this issue:
1. `Police Reform in Toronto’; the Board’s response
2. The body camera proposal
In this issue:
1. Council sets a new policing agenda for Toronto
2. Waiting for the reaction
3. Police Board meeting July 9
1. Police Board an impediment to change
2. TPAC to City Council on defunding police
3. TPAC in the news
4. Subscribe to the Bulletin
1. Defunding police
2. The false hope of body cameras
3. Rethinking special constables
4. Subscribe to the Bulletin
1. The status of police body worn cameras in Canadian cities
2. Criteria for a new police chief in Toronto
3. Policing COVID-19
4. Toronto police data, 2019
In this issue:
1. Policing and COVID-19
2. Police use of facial recognition technology
3. Board suspends regular meetings
4. Assessing the Guns and Gangs initiative
Correction for March symposium registration
In this issue:
1. Changing the shift schedule, finally
2. Policing symposium
3. New provincial appointees
4. Police Board meetings hither and yon
5. Seeking new TPAC members, again
1. Police not enforcing traffic laws
2. Police staff increasing, again
3. Possible change in strip search practice
4. Introducing body cameras
5. TPAC seeking new members
1. New race data policy for Toronto police
2. No change on strip searches
3. Chair leaves board, new member appointed
4. Neighbourhood policing expands
1. Responding to gun violence in Toronto
2. Little progress on de-escalation
3. Margaret Beare
4. Provincial policing legislation
5. Chief Saunders contract extended for a year
1. Public attitudes on Toronto police service
2. Toronto police and big data usage
3. Board unwilling to discuss strip search report
4. Notes on Toronto police culture
1. Strip search study
2. Settlement with Toronto Police Association
3. Conducted Energy Weapon usage
4. Future of police oversight
1. Police budget increases about 5 per cent in 2019
2. New five year agreement with Toronto Police Association
3. New police legislation expected at Queens Park
4. Shotspotter dead in Toronto
5. Body cameras rejected in Montreal
1. Ontario Human Rights Commission study: racism in Toronto police
2. End carding in Ontario: Mr. Justice Tullochs final report
3. Bill C-75 amending the Criminal Code
4. Shift schedule changes for Toronto police
1. Bargaining for an efficient police force
2. Police reforms in limbo
3. Neighbourhood policing
4. Taser use increases
5. Spotshotter technology
1. New executive director for Police Board
2. Premier Ford delays police reforms
3. Inquiry into missing persons police policy
4. Gun violence and the number of police officers
5. Body scans to replace strip searches?
6. Pre-charge screening
7. Honouring Charles Roach
1. Alok Mukherjee writes about his ten years as police board chair
2. Deadly Force
3. Not dealing with racism
4. Moving backwards on policing
1. Safer Ontario Act hearings
2. Toronto police and serial murders
3. Fake police news
4. Police Association pushes for more officers
5. Community forums on Tulloch reforms to police review agencies
1. Safer Ontario Act
2. Getting police officers out of schools
3. Police opaqueness, not transparency
4. Police operating budget for 2018
1. More on pre-charge screening in Ontario
2. New study on two officer cars
3. New study on Torontos shift schedule
4. The Transitional Task Force derailed
1. Getting police out of schools
2. The Board refuses to debate marijuana
3. Pre-charge screening needed in Ontario
1. Disappointing report on police oversight
2. Desmond Cole cuts the issue, again
3. The illusive changes to the Police Services Act
1. Unfounded
2. Maybe not the Way Forward
3. Ottawa officer charged with manslaughter
In this Bulletin:
1. A new report on police and mental health
2. Status of `Matter of Life and Death Report
3. The delay in buying more tasers
4. Police budget goes to City Council
5. Women in the Toronto police force
6. Police unions and the thick blue line
1. The Boards shenanigans
2. TPAC brief on police oversight
1. The Chief recommends tasers for all Toronto officers
2. The 2017 police budget reveals little about police plans
3. Body cameras: wasted money
4. TPAC brief on strip searches
5. RCMP and sexual harassment against women
1. The Transformational Task Force report
2. Chief supports safe drug injections sites
3. Apologizing for the bath house raids
1. Transformational Task Force
2. Body Cameras
3. Implementing the new carding regulation
4. Reviewing police oversight agencies
and also
5. Relying on the tried and untrue explanations
1. G20 class action suit proceeds
2. Trusting police officers to tell the truth
3. New carding regulation
4. Tasers back on the Toronto agenda
5. Police Pay
6. Body cameras for Toronto police?
1. The six page police budget for 2016
2. Transformational Task Force established
3. Police Service Act consultations
4. More police shootings in Toronto
5. Waiting for the regulations on carding
1. The police pot of gold
2. Buying new Colt Carbines
3. The challenge of bringing basic change to the police service
4. Forcillo convicted
5. Officers charged with perjury
1. Carding: draft regulations
2. Amending the Police Services Act
3. Diverting youth from the criminal justice system
4. The 2015 police operating budget
5. Police violence
6. New member of Police Services Board
In this issue:
1. The carding consultations
2. Police activity in the G20 still an issue
3. Police Services Act consultations
4. The tender bullet scenario
5. Not learning when police kill
6. Province reduces TAVIS funding to Toronto
1. Mayor reverses his position on carding
2. The province intervenes in carding
3. Law suit challenges carding
4. Chair of Toronto Police Services Board resigns
5. Clearing up clearance reports
6. Youth pre-trial diversion strategy requested
7. Maybe a new study on strip searches
In this issue:
1. New chief for Toronto
2. Once again, carding
3. The new four year contract for Toronto police
In this Bulletin:
1. A dysfunctional police board
2. Stopping Carding stalls, again
3. Lapel camera pilot project proceeds
4. Encrypting police radios
5. Tasers in the GTA
6. Strip search discussion frustrated
7. Pan Am Games security
8. Occasional name tags
9. TPACer honoured
1. Carding and civilian control of the police
2. New policy on how police deal with those in mental crisis
3. Reconsidering the Safe Streets Act
4. Legislation expected on release of non-conviction records
5. Toronto Police issue many fewer traffic tickets in 2014
6. The next chief of police for Toronto is &
7. A class action suit on the G20 moves forward
In this issue:
1. The community evaluation of the carding program
2. Replacing Bill Blair as chief
3. Police operating budget for 2015
4. Bargaining with the Police Association
5. Police misconduct web site
1. Questions on policing to mayoralty candidates
2. Bill Blair to be replaced as chief
3. Recruiting officers who know Toronto
4. Body cameras
5. The negative impact of police stops
1. Questioning the candidates for mayor
2. New carding data
3. The disappointing Iacobucci report
4. More thinking on guns
5. The carding `satisfaction survey
1. Cavoukian sues Toronto police for disclosing mental illness information
2. Non-conviction information released by Toronto Police
3. Restricting police guns
4. Strip searches
5. TAVIS and the downtown east side
6. Ideas about the police?
In this issue:
1. Carding ends, "community contacts" begin
2. Finalizing the new policy
3. Privacy Commissioner on police use of mental health records
4. Reducing police expenditures
Special Bulletin on Carding
1. Toronto Police Services Board special meeting on carding
2. TPACs position
3. Controlling carding: a brief history
4. Frank Addarios advice to the Board
1. Iacobucci Review of Lethal Use of Force
2. Ministrys study on police and those in mental crisis
3. Coroners jury recommendations on three killed by Toronto police
4. OPPs racial profiling of immigrants
5. The cost of learning how many cops Toronto needs
6. How the Ministry decided to expand taser use
7. Again, hope about limiting strip searches
8. Police releasing information for clearance letters
9. Chief Blair and his future
1. Carding: a step forward?
2. Officers killed on duty
3. Another police shooting
4. Business Plan for next three years
5. Public perceptions of Toronto police
6. The `right number of officers
7. Tasers, no news
8. Keeping the 2014 Police Operating Budget secret
9. Link to Toronto Police Services Board meeting
1. Public says NO to more Tasers
2. Trying to make carding more likeable
3. Toronto Police Operating Budget, 2014 edition
4. Investigating Sammy Yatims death
5. The SIU annual report
1. Expanding the use of conducted energy weapons (CEWs) in Ontario
2. Toronto Board holds public meeting on CEWs
3. Board distances itself from Sammy Yatim case
4. The new neighbourhood policing, details
5. Chief Blair and the SIU
6. The trap of not getting bail
The death of Sammy Yatim
1. Carding update
2. Police chases
3. Paying police well
4. Neighbourhood officers in Toronto
5. Another man with mental illness killed
1. Street checks continue
2. Police response to those with mental health issues
3. Missing the opportunity to issue clearance letters
4. The Police Board says it is getting tough
5. Hearing on police integrity standards
6. Strip searches
1. How many police officers does Toronto need?
2. Street checks a.k.a. carding continue
3. Quota-driven policing
4. Suspension with and without pay
5. Not notifying the SIU
6. Its a well-paid organization
1. Carding questions continue
2. Stop-and-Frisk ruled unconstitutional
3. The real world of TAVIS
4. Sentencing police officers
5. How many officers does Toronto need?
1. Carding and receipts create distance between the Board and the Chief
2. Police 2013 operating budget flat-lined?
3. Charles Roach dies
4. Reviewing police record checks
5. G20 issues continue
In this issue:
1. Changing the carding policy of Toronto police.
2. The personal information released by police
3. Police drones and the future
4. Were Toronto police effective in reducing shootings this summer?
5. Expanding the police boards role
1. The Police Board reacts to Mordens G20 Review
2. Letter to sign responding to G20 reports
3. Carding, the next step
4. Once more with feeling: more police are the answer
5. Clearance letter policy review
1. Two reports on the G20
2. Recommendations to support on G20 activities
3. Toronto drug squad officers convicted
4. Holding police accountable to the Special Investigation Unit
5. July 17 public meeting
1. Police Board, not responding to persons with mental illness
2. How the SIU investigated Michael Eligons death
3. New member of police board
4. Truth in the court room
1. The Police Board moves to control racial profiling
2. The letter carrier and the police officer
3. Police and those on mental crisis
4. Editorializing about police funding
5. Strip search class action in British Columbia
1. Another death at police hands
2. A better police approach to those in mental crisis
3. OIPRD says theres not much to complain about
4. Not fixing the RCMP
1. Judicial findings of misconduct
2. Police 2012 operating budget
3. Making a deputation before the Toronto Police Services Board
4. Occupy Toronto
5. C-10, the Omnibus Crime Bill
6. Service Efficiency Study of Toronto Police
7. Paying for the G20 Review
Special Bulletin on Strip Searches
1. Uncovering the Toronto Police policy on strip searches
2. Toronto Police service Search of Persons policy
3. Appendix B of the policy, Risk Assessment
4. Supreme Court of Canada decision, R v. Golden
5. Some problems with the Toronto Police policy
1. We can improve Toronto Policing! An October 18 forum
2. Death on Bloor Street
3. Reviewing strip search policy
4. Refusing to promote badge-less G20 officers
5. What cuts to the police budget?
6. Too many police?
1. Latest figures on Toronto strip searches
2. Presenting to the G20 Review, and responding to questions
3. Police Boards: training and oversight
4. TPACs policing forum
5. Collective agreement approved
6. Wheres that name badge?
7. The Chief reviews police activities at the G20
1. The Toronto police collective agreement: missing the obvious
2. TPAC policing forum
3. The secret public meetings
4. The high cost of being accused of police misconduct
5. G20 review hearings
1. Rethinking Toronto police: a public forum
2. The cost of paying suspended police officers
3. Strip search proposal at Board
4. Standing in the way of informed police boards
5. Sexual harassment within the Hamilton police force
6. Police document many during G20 meeting
7. Proposed changes to rules around the SIU
8. Paid duty system: the city auditor reports
1. Reporting on the G20
a) Breach of the Peace
b) The Boards review
2. Trying to get strip searches on the public agenda
3. Buying more cameras
4. Taser use 2010
5. Police ignore SIU probes
1. Reducing the size of the Toronto police force
2. Death of Sergeant Ryan Russell
3. Making crisis intervention work
4. A 10th birthday for TPAC
1. G20 update
a) SIU investigation
b) OIPRD Review
c) CCLA hearings
d) Legal actions
e) G20 detainees still in jail
2. More video cameras on the street?
3. Starving prisoners in court
4. OIPRD`s first year
1. G20 update
a) Class action law suit
b) Police activity continues
c) Reviewing police actions
d) Police action on G20 arrests
e) Speaking out politically
2. Another police killing in Toronto
3. `Police in Canada, the real story
1. Ten weeks after the G20, and waiting
2. Keith Forde retires
3. Another police killing in Toronto
4. Striking out on racial profiling, again
5. Professional standards
6. A short and snappy policing agenda
1. Police accountability and the G20
2. Long gun registry data
3. SIU and the obligation to do reasonable investigations
1. Two recent Toronto deaths
2. Making sure the evidence fits
3. Taser use in Toronto
4. The G20 meeting and police consolidation
5. Assessing the Human Rights project
1. Racial profiling in Toronto
2. Building on budget cuts
3. A leisurely study into corruption issues
4. Coroners jury says stop shooting at cars
1. Corruption trials off the rails
2. Duty pay
3. The chair on the high costs of policing
4. TTC special constables to evolve into police officers?
1. More on police in schools
2. 2010 police budget
3. Compressed work week, new schedule?
4. New complaints procedures in Ontario
5. New rules for tasers
In this issue:
1. Police in Toronto schools
2. Braidwood Inquiry on tasers
3. Silence on police brawl
4. New head of Police Association
5. Complaints office to open
6. Police compensation
1. A fine police brawl
2. Fine tuning rules about police complaints
3. Six more years for Chief Bill Blair
4. The short-sightedness of tough sentencing
1. Police Officers in Schools TPACs letter
2. The effectiveness, or not, of police cameras
3. Crime stats across the country
4. Schertzer case appealed
5. Love those Danish police
1. Brief to Independent Police Review Organization
2. Police making bigger bucks
3. Toronto police budget, letter to city council
4. Law Enforcement Accountability Project
5. Status quo on Tasers
6. Toronto Life documents the Schertzer case
1. Making police data public
2. Policing Toronto subways
3. The release of non-crime information
4. Minor charges clog courts
1. The future of policing for Toronto?
2. Testing TASERS
3. Toronto 2009 police operating budget
4. Vaughan joins Police Board
5. Salary settlement
In this issue:
1. Province pours millions into Toronto police force
2. Police in Schools
3. Taser reporting
4. SIU report
5. Environmental Scan
1. What about those guns?
2. Moving backwards on sexual assaults
3. Waiting for changes to the police complaints mechanism
4. Police in schools
1. Torontos TASER protocol
2. Expanding the Mobile Crisis Intervention Teams
3. Impressive police salaries
1. Taser news a delay or a victory?
2. Death in a park
3. Police checks and providing information for employers
4. Not getting data on what police do
5. Police and kids in the park
In this issue:
1. Forum on Tasers, February 6
2. Taser International comes to Toronto
3. Police shift work to shift?
4. Dealing with perpetrators of woman abuse
In this issue:
1. Taser problems
2. Missing the taser alternative, again
3. 2008 police budget
4. The police chief writes his story
5. Intersection watch
1. Counting the guns in Toronto
2. Personal information released by police
3. Police Association challenges name tags
4. Crime as a provincial election issue
5. Taking home big pay
6. Latest crime statistics in Canada - crime is down
7. A public forum on policing?
1. The Ontario Ombudsman reviews the SIU
2. Fantino speaks his mind, and the investigation begins
3. Truth not Tasers
4. Lets not debate police issues
5. Searching for head of new complaints agency
1. The problem of police records
2. Non-transparency
3. Increasing user of tasers in Toronto
4. Breaking the bank on cameras
1. Police Complaints Bill 103 at Committee
2. The sorry state of police complaints in British Columbia
3. Closing the information door at police headquarters
4. Police have a hand in appointing judges
5. Colliding police cars
Special issue on Bill 103, the proposed police complaints process
1. Public hearings on Bill 103
2. Commentary on Bill 103
1. Bill 103, a new police complaints commission
2. A new police program: 25 and out
3. Corruption charges within the Toronto Police Force
4. 2007 police budget
5. Policing the RCMP
1. Questions for municipal candidates
2. Toronto Police force expands
3. The danger of complaining about police activity
4. Ending the suspension payout
5. Race and police use of force
1. Ending Racial Profiling
2. Name Badges or Not?
3. Leadership of the Police Association
1. Taser use increases
2. Hiring a police force that looks like Toronto
3. Its hard being on camera
4. Out of jail and onto the street
1. The new Police Complaints Process
2. Small Claims Court Justice
3. Fencing them in
4. Updates: the Wyann Ruso and Jeffrey Reodica cases
5. Reviewing Civilian Oversight
1. Police horses
2. Targeted TAVIS
3. Taser use in Toronto
4. A policy to reduce strip searches
5. Political Police in Ottawa
6. Wyann Ruso settlement
1. Ending gun violence?
2. Some figures on death by guns
3. TPAs continuing confrontational tone
4. Alarming strip search figures in Toronto
5. Wanted: a new complaints procedure
1. Large increase in police budget
2. Moving slowly on racial profiling
3. The unnoticed pepper spray
4. The case for Wyann Ruso
1. Board/Association Labour Settlement
2. Helicopters for the Police?
3. Whatever happened to the Lesage recommendations?
4. New City of Toronto legislation
5. Gun violence and youth in Toronto
6. Wyann Rusos wait
1. Toronto police force grows again
2. New strip search policy
3. Data bites from the police
4. Police officer convicted of assault
5. Job action
1. Gun violence in Toronto and public response
2. Police spending set to increase again
3. SIU Annual Report
4. Strip Search, the mystery
5. Better Policing for Toronto seminar: a summary
1. Better Policing for Toronto a day-long seminar
2. British Government restricts use of tasers
3. Towards a new police complaints system
4. New Provincial appointee to the Toronto Police Service Board
1. Domestic Violence and the police response
2. Police Complaints Report: status
3. The unmade appointment
4. Subscribe to the Bulletin
1. New police leadership comes only from within
2. Settling legal claims for a pretty penny
3. The tragic fate of suffering a mental crisis in public
4. LeSage recommendations on police complaints
5. Subscribe to the Bulletin
1. The next Toronto Chief of Police
2. Two police approaches to people in crisis
3. Name Badges for Toronto Police
4. Finally a Better Strip Search Policy
5. Well Paid Police
6. Subscribe to the Bulletin
1. Second thoughts on strip searches
2. Will the Board buy 500 Tasers?
3. Sexual assault
4. Up and Out for the Chief
5. Community Statement concerning the expected LeSage recommendations
6. Blink: high speed chases and more
7. Subscribe to the Bulletin
1. Failures in Sexual Assault investigations, again
2. Police-related deaths
3. Vacancies at the top
4. Mandatory testing for officers in high risk positions
5. Subscribe to the Bulletin.
1. Prospects for the new Toronto Police Services Board
2. TASERS on hold
3. A new commitment to community policing?
4. Policing priorities in Toronto
5. 2005 police budget
6. Welcome new appointment to OCCOPS
7. Most recent police statistics
8. Subscribe to the Bulletin
1. Making community policing a priority
2. The Police Board evolves
3. .Appointing a new chief
4. Nameless in T.O.
5. Police database off-base
6. An Office of the Citizen Advisor?
7. Subscribe to the Bulletin
1. Police and Demonstrations: Complaint Validated
2. The continuing Fantino saga
3. Limited Freedom-of-Police-Information
4. Review of strip search policy
5. A Black police woman speaks out
6. TPAC Survey
1. Chief Fantino's contract not renewed
2. Board chair announces resignation
3. Police Complaints Review Begins
4. Public Meeting: "Recreation or Incarceration?"
5. Subscribe to the Bulletin
1. Corruption Allegations in the Police Force
2. Public meeting in June: Recreation or Incarceration?
3. The Cost of Strip Searches
4. Chief Fantino's comments on Sex Offenders
5. Subscribe to the Bulletin
1. Change and status quo at the Toronto Police Services Board
2. Strip Searches on the Agenda Again
3. Small Changes to Police Budget
4. Police Transparency
5. Police Complaints
6. Hiring a new Deputy Chief
7. Subscribe to the Bulletin
1. Slowly uncovering the police budget
2. OCCOPS finds Gardner in breach of code of conduct
3. Defining a new complaints mechanism
4. Better ways of identifying police officers
5. Judge Ferguson's report finally public
6. Looking for police leadership - latest draft
1. Looking for a Chief, a draft for comment
2. New York crime declines as the number of officers decrease
3. Making public the detailed police budget
4. Mayor Miller's plan for community safety
5. Subscribe to the Bulletin
1. The new Board chair and the reality of police culture
2. Central Field Command Drug Squad Controversy
3. Former Board Chair's hearing into discreditable conduct
4. Chief's employment contract in contention
5. Another mentally disturbed person killed by Toronto police
6. A decision on police endorsing political candidates
7. Subscribe to the Bulletin
1. Reviewing the Police Budget
2. Creating a useful police complaints system
3. New Police Board members
4. Racial profiling - again
5. Subscribe to the Bulletin
1. Civilian oversight of the police
2. Strengthening the Toronto Police Service Board
3. Police and mental health issues
4. More on political endorsements by the Police Association
5. Subscribe to the Bulletin
1. Police intervene politically
2. Police Board responds to racial profiling
3. Recent police statistics
4. Subscribe to the Bulletin
1. No-tech confessions
2. Kingston police collect racial data
3. Toronto Police Service Board without Gardner
4. Reflections of one Toronto Police Services Board member
5. Subscribe to the Bulletin
1. Chair of Police Services Board steps aside
2. Auditing the Sexual Assault Audit - by Jane Doe
3. Book Review: "The Story of Jane Doe"
4. Policing data for Toronto
5. Subscribe to the Bulletin
1. A dysfunctional Toronto Police Service Board
2. A Fresh Step for Policing
3. Policing demonstrations
4. Subscribe to this Bulletin